An erectile dysfunction pump is a popular and effective natural way for men with erectile dysfunction due to Type 2 Diabetes to get an erection.
There are two types of penis pumps on the market today, a manual pump or battery operated. So, which is the best penis pump for you?
Which erectile dysfunction pump you chose, really depends on your person or medical needs, and your physical ability to operate a manual pump or battery operated erectile dysfunction pump.
There are several benefits and drawbacks of each type of erectile dysfunction pump. Which one you should use depends on your needs.
A manual erectile dysfunction pump, which requires you to push a plunger, manually creates vacuum pressure to force blood into your penis. This type of erectile dysfunction pump may take a bit more effort to work, and us perfect in a situation where electricity won’t work, such as in the shower.
Most men who use this type of vacuum erection device (VED) for male enhancement to make their penis longer, thicker and harder, say the manual creates more vacuum pressure than an electric penis pump.
Today you will end any confusion which is the best penis pump for you?
Manual Erectile Dysfunction Pump
A manual erectile dysfunction pump was the first known male enhancement device used for centuries by men who wished to make their penis longer, harder and thicker, before the introduction of male enhancement pills.
The first known erection enhancement device used deer skin, string and a rock. It may have been crude, but it worked.
Things have come a long way in a century or two with technological advances. With a manual erection device, once the penis is inserted into the cylinder (no more deer skins), you press a plunger to create vacuum pressure, that forces blood into the chambers of the penis. This manual erection device can make your penis longer, harder, and thicker.
With newer manual penis pumps, you can stop pumping when desired stiffness of your erection is reached. You can’t over pressurize the tube, which prevents damage to your penis from excess pressure. Remove your penis from the cylinder, and you can enjoy having sex again. Your erection will last up to 30 minutes.
A manual erectile dysfunction pump can be used to reverse symptoms of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and counter the effects of nerve damage, usually related to Type 2 Diabetes or prostate surgery, to help men regain normal sexual function.
Drawbacks of a Manual Erectile Dysfunction Pump
The main drawback of a manual male enhancement product is that it can take several minutes to make your penis hard, as compared to an electric erectile dysfunction pump, which can work within 30 seconds to one minute.
Electric Erectile Dysfunction Pump

Electric Erectile Dysfunction Pump
As men age, maintaining blood pressure to create a hard erection can become an issue. It can take a lot of constant elevated blood pressure to keep an erection, some older men sometimes need a little assistance.
This lead to the development of a battery operated erectile dysfunction pump, which works quickly and with minimal manual effort to crate an erection suitable for sexual intercourse.
This device is particularly effective for men with Type 2 Diabetes or Parkinson’s Disease, who are unable to get an erection due to nerve damage.
While they are still vital and have normal sexual desire, due to nervous system issues, they may be unable to achieve an erection naturally, and may find it difficult or cumbersome to operate a manual penis pump, due to shaking or tremors of the hands.
An electric penis pump is very easy to use. You place the ring around the shaft of your penis, which keeps blood trapped in the penis and prevents it from leaking out.
Then, you insert your penis into the vacuum tube and simply push the power button and within 30 – 60 seconds your penis will be fully erect enough for sexual intercourse.
Remove your penis from the tube, and enjoy having sex again. Your erection will last 30-60 minutes.
This electric Erectile Dysfunction pump for Men will stop once sufficient vacuum pressure is achieved, to prevent injury.
Drawbacks of an Electric Penis Pump
The main drawback of an electric penis pump is that it can be loud when operating. Some men say the erection is not as hard as with a manual penis pump. If you live with other people or have thin walls, you will want an manual penis pump. Some electric penis pumps are quite loud and everyone around you will know what you are doing.
In Conclusion
While both a manual penis pump and electric penis pump will sufficiently and quickly make your penis erect, and help you maintain a healthy sex life, you need to consider a few differences before deciding does a penis pump work, and which is the best penis pump to buy.
- A manual penis pump is cheaper than an electric version, but price should not be your determining factor.
- You need to consider why you want to use a vacuum therapy device. Is this for male enhancement or health benefit.
- Do you have a health condition that may impact your ability to operate a manual penis pump.
- An electric device works is faster, but louder than a manual device, and will your living arrangements be a factor?
- A manual penis pump generally results in a harder erection than using an electric pump.
Ken Weiss is a health blogger who is passionate about natural and holistic cures for men’s health issues. He is the founder of