Men have been trying to increase the length, width and girth of their penises, since the beginning of time.4 This can be seen in primitive cave drawings, statues, and paintings showing powerful men with large members.
With Maasalong male enhancement pills, the manufacturer says you can grow your penis be 2-4 inches, and give your partner the sexual pleasure she wants and desires from you.
A tribe in Africa has been using this secret elixir for two thousand years, which has allowed the men in the tribe to grow massively long and thick penises. 3
What is Maasalong Male Enhancement
Maasalong is a natural male enhancement pill created with natural herbal ingredients known for centuries to increase your penis size. Men reach the peak in their sexual performance around age 18. After the age of 35, men can begin to experience a decline in sexual performance. 1
In this video, the African Maasai tribesman claim this 2,000 year old secret formula, allows them to naturally increase their penis length by 3″ to 6″. The manufacturers of Maasalong uncover the key to increasing the size of their penis is reversing a blockage inside your body, which the Maasai people discovered.
They state when you reverse this blockage you can now naturally increase penis size without the use of surgery, penis enlargement exercises or a penis extender.
What’s In Maasalong Advanced Male Enhancement Pills
Catuaba: This bark native to Brazil, is an aphrodisiac. It has been shown to improve libido, treats erectile dysfunction, and is used to boost mood and well-being in men.
Cayenne: This spice is well known as a spicy ingredient for food, but it also male enhancement benefits. It is used to improve erections, improves semen production, relaxes blood vessels, and helps men have more intense orgasms.
Chinese Ginseng: Panax Ginseng, also known as Chinese or Korean Ginseng, has many natural health benefits. For males, this includes improving memory and cognitive skills, reduces fatigue, and has been shown to improve sexual function in men with symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction.
Damiana: This yellow flower is used to treat both physical and mental issues. It is a popular natural remedy for depression and anxiety. It is also used to treat low libido and increase sexual desire and stamina in men.
Gingko Biloba: This extract comes from a plant native to China, and has been used for thousands of years. The extract is a natural antioxidant with high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are reactive particles in the body that lead to illness and disease.
Hawthorn: Hawthorn berry is a tiny fruit that grow on trees, and offer several impressive health benefits. Hawthorn has been used for thousands of years as an antioxidant, which reduces internal inflammation, and lowers high blood pressure. HBP can cause heart disease, and lead to erectile dysfunction in men.
Horny Goat Weed: Horny goat weed is a plant that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It has been nicknamed, “natural Viagra,” since it is a popular natural male enhancement often used to improve male sexual function and helps men achieve hard erections. Horny goat weed contains chemical compounds known as phytoestrogens, which increases blood flow to the penis. Scientists found that chemicals in Horny Goat Weed acts in the same way as Viagra.
Inosine: It is an ancient herb helps the body make uric acid, which is an antioxidant. This chemical helps improve muscle development.
Muira Puama: Muira puama is a bush that grows in the Amazon region. Another name of Muira Puama is the “Viagra of the Amazon. It is known to be a strong sexual stimulant, erection enhancer and believed to address chronic fatigue.
- Oat Straw: Oat also known as Avena sativa has many physical and mental benefits. It is used to treat stress, anxiety and depression, improves blood flow and reverses damaging inflammation in the body.
Saw Palmetto: This plant is a popular natural ingredient in natural erectile dysfunction remedies and to shrink an enlarged prostate, by increasing blood flow in the body.
Tribulus Terrestris: This plant has many health benefits for men. Tribulus Terrestris is used many supplements to help boost the production of testosterone, and is also commonly used as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.
Vitamin E: This vitamin has many benefits for men. This vitamin is a natural antioxidant. It has been shown to improve the cardiovascular system, improve blood flow and reverse symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
Research studies verify the role of oxidative stress in erectile dysfunction associated with aging, and the benefit of treatment with the vitamin E family.
The problems in the bedroom men can experience include:
- Weak erections
- Premature ejaculation
- Erectile dysfunction
- Painful ejaculation
- Lack of interest in sex
Benefits of Maasalong For Your Whole Body
Sex Life Support
Bigger, harder erections with more explosive orgasms!
Improved Stamina
Increased stamina for longer-lasting sexual encounters
Vitality & Energy
Faster, more intense arousal with a bigger appetite for sex!
How Do Maasalong Penis Enlargement Pills Work?
The penis is made up of tissues called the corpus cavernosum. These sponge-like tissues , which run the length of their penis, become engorged with blood during sexual arousal, and creates a long, hard and stiff erection suitable for sexual intercourse.
The process to increase penis size, which Maasalong helps you achieve, includes increasing blood flow to the region. The ingredients in these natural penis enlargement pills relax blood vessels and increases production of nitric oxide (NO).
NO allows more blood to quickly flow to the penis and be stored in the three chambers of the penis. Simply put, the more blood that can reach this area quickly, and be stored there will help men create a longer, harder and stiffer erection. 1
Once blood reaches the corpus cavernosum to create an erection, the other important issue Maasalong helps is how to keep the blood in these chambers for a long time? This will allow you and your partner to finish and enjoy the maximum sexual pleasure.
How to Use Maasalong
Just take 2 capsules every day in the evening with food and a half glass of water. It may take 30-90 days to experience the benefits of Maasalong male enhancement pills.
You can find out more about Maasalong here.
Made in an FDA Registered Facility
For your safety and satisfaction, Maasalong is manufactured in an FDA registered facility.

How to Order Maasalong?
Click the image below, which will take you to the Maasalong website, where you can buy this natural male enhancement.
Alternatives to Maasalong Male Enhancement
- -Penile Girth Enlargement Strategies:
- – penile enlargement
- – Enlargement of length and girth associated with implantation of penile prostheses.
Ken Weiss is a health blogger who is passionate about natural and holistic cures for men’s health issues. He is the founder of