The DASH Diet: A Weight-Loss Diet that Protects You from COVID-19

what is the DASH diet

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Obesity weakens your immune system. The DASH diet, which is an acronym  for dietary approaches to stop hypertension.can help promote weight loss and strengthen your immunity to prevent infections.  Your food regimen is an essential part of your weight loss during the lockdown and your health.

The COVID-19 outbreak earlier this year is a testament to the extent, to which you need to clean up your diet for your body to be adequately armed to fight infections and viruses. The elderly, obese, and people suffering from chronic ailments have a high chance of contracting coronavirus.

Data obtained from two New York City hospitals in March show that 35.8% of the first 393 cases of COVID-19 patients were obese, and 43.4% of the obese ended up using the ventilators. Besides, obesity increases the chances of dying from coronavirus by 33%.

Weight gain in men is most often caused by over-consumption of processed foods and a high-sugar diet. To promote weight loss for men, they should adopt a healthy Mediterranean diet, such as the DASH diet, which includes less unprocessed foods and sugars.

Supplements such as agave nectar keto will aid you in strengthening your immunity and starting a weight loss journey. Agave is a natural sugar syrup obtained from the agave plant.


Mediterranean (DASH) Diet

The DASH diet regimen is a popular weight loss diet, and has received an award for the best food regimen for three successive years. The DASH diet, which is a Mediterranean diet, was founded in the 1990s to lower hypertension.

Suppose you are a man considering a weight loss diet for over 40 men, look no further. DASH regimen stimulates people to consume the following foods to fuel weight loss.

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Lean meat
  • Animal products
  • Micronutrients

You are also supposed to reduce salt, processed food, and fresh food intake.

Mediterranean regimen comprises:


Carbohydrates for Weight Loss

carbohydrates for weight loss

Carbohydrates comprise starch and cellulose. But men should consume healthy starches because their digestive systems cannot break down cellulose. Healthy carbohydrates to consume under the Dash Diet Mediterranean regimen comprise:


  • Vegetables, such as kale, spinach, broccoli, collards, and mustard
  • Whole grains, such as oats, wheat, and millets
  • Leguminous plant and beans
  • Fruits that are low in sugar content

5 Benefits of the DASH Diet

Apart from weight loss, men can use the DASH Diet regimen because:

  • It helps in lowering hypertension.
  • It minimizes the risk of having cardiovascular problems, like heart failure, stroke, or heart disease.
  • It helps in controlling or preventing the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.
  • Improves the level of cholesterol in the body
  • Reduces the chances of having kidney stones.


Good Fats for Weight Loss

  1. Good fats
  2. Unhealthy Fats

Unhealthy fats include margarine and partially hydrogenated cooking oils. Bad fats promote weight gain and other diseases. Good fats are beneficial and healthy for you because they:

  • Prevent inflammation
  • Promote weight loss
  • Provide necessary fatty acids
  • Improve your overall health


Sources of healthy fats can be used on the popular keto diet include:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocados
  • Flax seeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Nuts
  • Fish rich in omega-3

Compared to women, men need more energy, that’s why they should consume healthy fats as they are a superb source of body energy. However, they should be consumed in moderation because of their condensed nature. Compared to the serving of other Mediterranean nutrients, fats should be in a relatively small serving.


Proteins for a weight loss diet

Men considering trimming their frame and improve their physique should consume more plant-based proteins. They should eat nuts, seeds, and soy products. If it’s a must for animal products, they should go for lean meats, eggs, fish, and low-fat dairy.

If you are a man looking to increase muscle mass in your body, you can supplement foods rich in minerals to your regimen, and these include:

  • Potassium is found in bananas, oranges, and spinach.
  • Calcium is found in vegetables and dairy products.
  • Magnesium is found in nuts, whole grains, and vegetables.

These minerals inhibit endothelial malfunction while stimulating the relaxation of the muscles.

Weight loss Exercise

man exercising

COVID-19 epidemic led to the closure of non-essential businesses and parks. However, this does not mean that you stop exercise. You should, therefore, embark on a weight loss home workout routine. There are a good number of weight loss boosters in the market, especially online. But since you do not know how they work or their effect on your body, steer clear. Avoid shortcuts and do it the hard way, workout.


Weight Loss Videos

YouTube has a tone of workout videos, and the bonus to it is, they are free. It will make a tremendous difference if you can dedicate 30 minutes every morning and evening to workout. To make it more enjoyable, have your partner and kids join in the exercise; this way, the entire family stays fit and healthy.

We’ve all heard about weight loss products, and now you are asking yourself what weight loss products work? There are many weight loss products, and they come in pills, supplements, and drugs. They are claimed to help you lose weight or make the process easier and faster. However, note that the dosage between men and women differs, men’s dosage is slightly more than that of a woman. So check carefully to ensure you are taking the right dose.

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Bottom Line on a Weight Loss Diet

Weight loss nutrition accounts for eighty percent, while 20 percent is through exercise. If you are a man looking to get exceptional results, it will help if you combine healthy eating and exercise. Exercise helps in toning your body after weight loss, eliminating the likelihood of having saggy skin.

Point to note: Before embarking on any food regimen for weight loss, kindly talk to your physician to see if it is suitable for you.

Have you tried the Mediterranean diet for weight loss in men? Do you have questions? Please post your comments and questions below.


Author’s bio:

My name is Adam Reeve and I have been a professional personal trainer and fitness instructor for over 10 years. Also, I’m a life coach, wellness writer, and low carb diet enthusiast.

Men's Health Cures
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